CHA Bundang Medical Check-up Center provides a one on one customized health checkup and One-Stop service
from diagnosis to treatment through the rapid inter-department cooperative service system
with CHA Bundang Medical Center which is a general hospital nearby.
You can get a One-Stop health checkup at CHA Bundang Medical Check-up Center
where patients can receive their medical checkup in one location. CHA Bundang Medical Check-up Center boasts reliable
and accurate checkup and reading done by its topnotch professors and state-of-the-art medical equipment
such as upgraded PET-CT (New Biograph Mct 128) with the minimum dose of radiation exposure, CT, and MRI.
In addition, CHA Bundang Medical Check-up Center utilizes CHA Smart Health Examination System to provide mobile services
such as uploading online pre-checkup questionnaire and checking the result on the mobile app.

Chaum Premium Medical Check-up Center provides privacy-assured health examination in a private room called HIVE
where patients are escorted by their personal nurse and they can receive their medical check up in one location,
removing the stress of moving from room to room and providing extra privacy during their checkups.
Chaum Premium Medical Check-up Center provides individualized health examinations after patients’ preliminary checkup and
developed Chaum’s radiation exposure management system (CHA-RMS) to manage patients’ lifelong radiation exposure.
In addition to Chaum’s outpatient clinics, Chaum’s global network allows patients to connect to the most competent doctors
in their field based both in Korea and overseas if any abnormal findings are detected during the checkup.
Chaum Premium Medical Check-up Center provides a holistic health promoting guide for your healthier and happier life.

Chaum Medical Check-up Center Samseong Branch, which combines advanced medicine and functional medicine,
identifies factors that could shorten patients’ life expectancy based on their individual genetic characteristics,
mental health, and lifestyle through medical examinations using high-tech equipment.
Upon examination, Chaum Medical Check-up Center Samseong Branch helps its patients correct
their lifestyles at the Life Health Care Clinic.
In addition, its diagnostic system is designed to evaluate patient’s physical functioning, and accurately diagnose
and prescribe for their health conditions, no matter how minor a patient’s issues may be.
Chaum Medical Check-up Center Samseong Branch is easy to visit since it is located at the center of Gangnam,
which is the hub of transportation, and it is equipped with modern facilities
and Hotel-esque interior, which allows patients to put their mind at ease during checkup.

The Medical Check-up Center of CHA Gumi Medical Center provides general health examination services customized for
individuals for early detection and prevention of diseases. The Medical Check-up Center provides various medical examination
packages (e.g., Basic, Premium, Stroke-centric, Cardiac-centric, and Women), customized for individual characteristics
and preferences, and optional additional examinations.
Using various state-of-art medical devices such as CTs (cardiac CT for vessel diseases, CT for brain diseases, and
low-radiation thoracic CT for thoracic diseases (long cancer, etc.)), MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging), MRAs
(magnetic resonance angiography), and ultrasonic devices, the medical professors of the Medical Check-up Center provide
accurate examination results. Through the medical service connection system, patients who have abnormal findings are
directly connected to or assisted in making an appointment with a specialist
Please contact the Medical Check-up Center of CHA Gumi Medical Center for customized medical examination services.
Contact +82-54-450-9847~9